CABS MARS Billing Migration

New Invoice Format & Associated Changes for Windstream CLEC, Wholesale CABS and MARS Billed Customers

To better serve our customers, Windstream is consolidating billing systems. Over the next several months, you will notice a change to your invoice format.

The following changes will occur:

  • New Account Number: You will be assigned a new account number, which will display at the top of your Windstream CLEC invoice. Please update your records with your new account number, as you will need to reference it with any correspondence, communications, or payments.
  • New Check Remittance Address: The check payment remittance name and address has changed, and the updated information will be reflected on your new invoice. The new payment address is P.O. Box 9001013, Louisville, KY 40290-1013. Please update your records and mail your payment to the new address to ensure your payments are posted in a timely manner.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Payments: Once you have received your updated invoice, you will need to submit your payments to a new bank account. Click here to download the new EFT banking information. For any questions regarding EFT payments, email [email protected] and include your new Windstream Wholesale account number.
  • New Product Names: Some product names on your invoice may vary slightly from the previous invoice or from the product name that appears on your contract or order summary.
  • Invoice Due Date: You may have a change to your invoice due date effective with your first invoice post migration.
  • Billing Proration: If your invoice date changes, you will see prorated charges on your new invoice.

Fees, surcharges, taxes and service rates may change based on how they are assessed in the new billing structure:

  • Customers may see changes to certain fees, surcharges and taxes on their invoice.
  • Customers with MPLS or Private Line service or features may be assessed taxes, according to the jurisdictional traffic certification and/or tax and FUSF exemption forms completed by the customer.

Additional important service-related changes:

  • CustoProduct and service charges that previously included more than one component may now reflect each component listed separately on the invoice with the appropriate cost associated with each service.
  • Products and services that have a $0.00 rate associated with them may now be seen on your invoice; there will be no changes to these services or rates.
  • After migration, customers calling into Repair can expect to hear the menu options presented differently than previously listed.


Q: Will there be any changes to my bill?
A: Yes. You will now be billed out of a new system post migration. Beginning with your new Windstream Wholesale CLEC invoice, you will notice changes on your bill including but not limited to account numbers, payment due date and payment remit to address. Additionally, the format and layout of the invoice will appear differently. Click here for a simple guide to help you interpret your new bill.

Q: Will I need to set up a new W9?
A: No. You can continue to use the Windstream W9 you currently have on file.

Q: If I am currently sending Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments monthly will I need to change the bank account I’m remitting to?
A: Yes. Once you have received your updated invoice, you will need to submit your payments to a new bank account. Click here to download the new EFT banking information. For any questions regarding EFT payments, please email [email protected] and include your Windstream Wholesale account number.

Q: Will I continue to have access to my complete invoice history?
A: 24 months of payment and invoice history will be available within the CPT portal.

Q: Is there a late payment charge?
A: Yes; however, you will not see a change to the amount charged. Any balance unpaid by the invoice due date is subject to a late payment charge. Please refer to your Windstream Wholesale invoice for the payment due date.

Q: Is there a return check fee?
A: You will be charged $25.00 for any returned checks.